Zinc deficiency brain fog reddit You can stop the zinc supplement or take a copper along with the zinc. true. Iron if you're a From what I've heard about copper you want to avoid supplements and eat foods with it or you can throw off your zinc levels. I can’t learn new things. Iron was the cause. Annoyingly, moving our body really does wonder with Brain Fog. No one can say if your doctor is right or wrong. Ferritin optimal is 100, anything below 50 is deficiency. Brain fog: Feeling of being tired, unable to keep my head up & eyes open. Zinc is very limited in a vegan diet and a known deficiency among vegans. I have been taking 25mg zinc daily for years and have very little copper in my diet. The iron ranges are not necessarily optimal ranges. Long term zinc deficiency can be tricky to spot at first, but in many people it turns into GERD due to depletion of stomach acid, counter-intuitively. Regardless - I’d get a psych eval, a brain scan, and comprehensive bloodwork to start. I have schizo effective disorder and take Antipsychotics. JUST WENT THROUGH THIS. Despite trying different supplements, many of them either created brain fog or provided no benefit. Members Online Help with dizzy spells and vertigo episodes My brain fog disappeared in 4 hours, but I developed headaches, felt like high blood pressure. I make sure to take it with plenty of vitamin D3 and K2 (10,000 IU). When I first started these supplements years ago, someone told me that magnesium and/or zinc can deplete or affect absorption of copper in the body. It may be an idea to add a mineral supplement to your routine. Copper is also chelated by ascorbic acid (ahem. A blood test could help. I have had allergy testing done in the past. I'm getting tested soon and will definitely start taking at least 10000UI of D3 daily with K2 and magnesium. I have seen my gp, before anyone claims I'm self-diagnosing. Vitamin B12. Or check it out in the app stores I have a very bad vitamin D deficiency. I've tried every other important vitamin and mineral and they didn't really solve my issues, so now I'm thinking it might be copper deficiency. Chris Masterjohn PhD has some good videos on zinc testing and levels. I'm 21, lift weights 5x a week, eat generally well and high protein, take daily vitamin d, omega 3, I also don't remember their details. That could, just as much as it could not be the main cause of your brain fog. Anyone can tap away at stuff they barely look at which makes the comment appear pointless. HEART DISEASE - 3. It can also be a vitamin deficiency which is usually both brain fog and fatigue, low B12, low D, low ferritin but your doctor probably tested for those ones. Why it matters: Vitamin B12 is essential for nerve function and red blood cell production, both of which support brain health. Yes. As a result, copper isn’t absorbed” Barometric pressure and In the past, I have been prescribed doxycycline hyclate (100 mg; twice a day) for severe acne on two occasions: one instance that took place in January 2022 (severe acne accompanied with lymph node pain in the back of my head; saw improvement after 2 weeks; no brain fog) and the second time was in March (2 weeks; saw improvement in my acne and Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now If I were you, I would check my copper level, prolonged zinc supplementation may cause copper deficiency. Other than my brain fog. It’s recommended to take D and Zinc regardless as it helps with your immune system. I read somewhere that zinc and p5p were required in the conversion of l-histidine to histamine so this was a shot in the dark. Nothing to loose and I have had zinc deficiency shown through blood test, a quite serious deficiency in fact. It is Zinc Picolinate split into 6mg doses, which makes it easier to spread out through the day, insuring higher absorption (you can only absorb about 7mg of zinc in a go IIRC), and less risk of a Unfortunately, I have brain fog due to multiple different issues, so B12 doesn’t solve it all for me, but it really is a game changer (for me at least). Going to try nasal sprays (nasonex) again (tried Flonase for allergies a while ago but gave me headaches Same thing happened to me on NAC. I dont understand it. In fact, zinc deficiency can result in a condition called hypogeusia, a dysfunction in your ability to taste (1). No ocd habits. Could be thyroid related too (TSH), but that's usually happens when older. make sure to get a blood panel done and check your vitamins. Have you considered that the brain fog could be due to deficiency of either magnesium or something else? I also got better sleep with 350 mg but felt groggy during the day. Took another month to Hi all, I just got some blood test results back today indicating my vitamin D levels are hovering around 13. Then after about a month I developed bad anhedonia and a zinc deficiency. Those who are benefit the most from zinc supplementation. Electrolytes (calcium, magnesium, potassium). Steps to take: Talk to a doctor to rule out acute stuff Get tested for a few simple things: D, zinc, B12. I then took only 1/8th of a veggicap daily, without the same brain fog reduction. As someone diagnosed with ADHD, I can even handle some of the boring and seemingly impossible courses with ease, and my physical condition has improved. vitamin c supplements) DISEASES ASSOCIATED FROM A COPPER DEFICIENCY: NEUROPATHY - 2. Blood tests for magnesium looked okay but apparently they don't tell you how much magnesium you have stored in your tissue, which is also very relevant. Reddit is Reddit. If you have had success by treating the brain fog by correcting nutrition imbalances, please let me and rest of the community know about it, Thanks TL;DR: my low b12 levels "might" be the cause of brain fog, please approach your nearest neuro with your symptoms. I also have had magnesium deficiency shown through blood test and like you with magnesium I was able to feel the benefit of the supplement almost immediately, with zinc Last year I found out I had a Helicobacter Pylori infection. Hematologist at University of MN is studying me and my Copper / Zinc Imbalance for the past year but has 261 votes, 76 comments. 3 g dose. Magnesium works with B vitamins and D3. A zinc deficiency alone can cause brain fog, low D will result in a less restorative sleep so slower thinking the next day. It could be magnesium Glycinate to promote LTP (long term potentiation) It could be iodine, zinc or calcium deficiency that is affecting your LTP capacity as well. Hello. 36. . Or check it out in the app stores magnesium the past month. I found benefits at first but then on my off days I felt worse than if not at all. I started out with 30 days of 4 pills (88mg). The only reason I am not lost is because of Google Maps. but my head is not empty of thoughts, quite the opposite, i feel like im in the middle of a crowded place and lots of talking going on, but the fog that feels like cotton wool jammed in my head makes it hard to follow the conversations (thoughts) , I struggle to think View community ranking In the Top 5% of largest communities on Reddit. A zinc deficiency causes brain fog and skin conditions. I could just decide to do something and then do it. Except it is very difficult to accurately test for Thiamine (B1). If you’re deficient in b12, there could be an underlying issue within your intestines that isn’t allowing them to absorb the b12 from food. While many factors influence brain health, a nutritious diet that includes these six nutrients can D3 will reduce the amount of your magnesium because it takes magnesium to convert vitamin d into its active form. When I was taking copper with magnesium, I Be wary of vegans who dismiss brain fog or tell you that you don't need supplements. Does anyone have an idea why would brain fog be associated with sweets? Note 1: i had Restless Leg Syndrome as well. Brain fog is related to a source of un-managed and unidentified chronic pain somewhere in one's body. can vitamin d and b12 cause brain fog? My levels are Vitamin d :10. There are a number of ways zinc does this, but some of these include: •prevents your brain from becoming overexcited at NMDA receptors •helps create/regulate serotonin, GABA, dopamine •increases BDNF According to Trudy Scott, the zinc taste test can help determine if Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. This one is common as alcohol consumption triggers LTD, the opposite (long term depression), and this is important for neuroplasticity, adapting, integrating information, and keeping Really sounds like zinc deficiency, especially loss of smell and intense jittery bodily anxiety and the metallic taste. It's a type of pain that doctors don't know jack shit about and are frankly scared of because it involves the brain. Technically speaking, yes. like either 44 or 66mg daily. Especially if you are vegetarian or vegan. Hi everyone , This is my first ever post on Reddit but I feel I owe it to everyone to let you know my journey with Brain Fog, constant fatigue, shortness of breath, headaches at base of skull , spacing out, horrible anxiety (especially when talking to people), on and off emotions and weakness (also I should mention terrible dandruff through this time period) Preferably, not in a treadmill, motion + open spaces help in dilating our visions which helps our brain get out of cognitive pigeonholing which helps the brain to relax. A study at the University of Toronto showed that zinc has a key role in regulating how neurons communicate. As an aside, I found ketamine to be helpful in clearing up my brain fog to a point. If your serum value is on the lower end, let's say below 350 pmol/l (500 ng/l): Do additional testing. Maintaining zinc homeostasis is crucial for normal brain function, and zinc deficiency or overload may contribute to brain injury and exacerbate neurological conditions [8]. I, too, have concerns about iron supplementation and tried the same vitamin without iron and did not get the mental clarity. However, after using zinc, I feel almost 10 times better in both cognitive and physical aspects. Test active B12 (holo-TC), MMA and homocysteine. I feel a little better generally but Ive still been getting brain fog. The science: Studies show that low B12 levels are linked to memory loss, brain fog, and even an increased risk of dementia. I was 3 years in before I noticed my memory turning to mush. Lack of vits like b12 can totally CAUSE brain fog though, probably they're trying to say this under the Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. It may be ignorance, or just that it hasn't been an issue for them, but it definitely exists. Recently I tried zinc l-carnosine and it's made a massive difference. Between then and now i've taken iron & B complex, and accidentally fixed all of my brain fog issues. I started out having one short every day for the first week, and then tapered off from there. Another big issue for me is Memorising Roads, Locations. It is now two weeks since I quit taking the 1000 mcg cyanocobalamin (took it for five days), and I feel worse than ever. Thanks to everyone! Since then I have tried: - Magnesium complex (MagEnhance with threonate, glycinate and taurate) - I got a liquid zinc sulfate supplement and been taking it + 5-10 oysters a day for a week. I often also fall asleep in the day. Interestingly, zinc in excess of the recommended levels may also cause taste alterations, including a bad or metallic taste in your mouth. This reduction of magnesium can lead to symptoms of a magnesium deficiency such as tiredness, lack of focus, brain fog, Hey guys, just wanted to let you know to get your blood checked for zinc deficiency if you haven't found a cause for your reflux. Zinc / empty stomach = game over. are connected to zinc deficiency, since o Since around August of 2023 I've been experiencing brain fog that comes and goes, irritation, mood swings, severe insomnia, heart palpations, acid reflux, ankle and leg pains and burning/tingling in my toes and fingers. Cause of Brain Fog (and Other Symptoms) Hello, The parathesia and brain fog are b12 deficiency symptoms. These levels are all low hanging fruit in the treatment of brain fog! So yes. Not directly. I have anxiety, clinical depression and cfs/me brain fog is what triggered me to realise there was something amiss. Glutamine is really only useful for gut health and wound healing. Apparently I'm vitamin D deficient; I got a blood test done a month ago. i had vitamin D deficiency that wasn’t crazy low, but low enough to cause CRAZY brain fog. Concentration was also an issue. I'm doing a PhD so these symptoms are certainly having a negative impact on that. It is well known a zinc deficiency alone will cause brain fog - it is important to take it in a balanced mineral supplement. I had worsening brain fog for 3 years which was ultimately healed through high dose magnesium citrate (300 mg per day), vitamin B complex and zinc. Reply reply Do you suffer from brain fog and frequently experience stuffed nose/nasal congestion/rhinitis, sinus issues, running nose and other related symptoms? Also, did the research and Zinc isn't a T booster - it'll just help you get back up to the T baseline if you're deficient in Zinc. Both seem to contribute to fixing my brain fog. How long did your zinc deficiency take to reverse or to even see effects? Brain cell loss is a natural part of aging but can result in cognitive decline and memory issues. One of the many symptoms is brain fog, therefore I want to raise awareness towards B12 values. This is my story. It takes time to recover. we get on ways to fix or help the fog by identifying more and more causes is great but please be careful giving people advice to supplement, take this, or take that, only eat this, etc. 2 ng/ml A vitamin D level of 10 ng/mL is considered severely deficient. RogerFlo For all iron deficient individuals: aldi sells dark chocolate brand; german or Dutch company, and the 80%cocoa dark chocolate bars, are separated into 5 mini bars, each mini In this post I described my issues with brain fog, extreme tiredness, bad focus, and so on. This is actually why they stopped putting zinc into denture paste, lots of older adults were getting a "#9: Frequent brain fog A study at the University of Toronto showed that zinc has a key role in regulating how neurons communicate. Dr was hoping that would help my Brain Fog but it did not. ALZHEIMERS DISEASE - 4. 2-. MY QUORA POST ON BRAIN FOG (LATE 2016-EARLY 2017) I wrote about this topic on brain fog about 2 years ago in quora. On the other hand, zinc deficiency induces degeneration and cognitive decline disorders, such as I have experienced this effect many times, and when I don't use zinc for a week, I notice the symptoms returning and a significant decrease in my motivation and cognitive abilities. Definitely worth looking into if you're experiencing similar issues with leaky gut. After 2 weeks, I had a significant improvement and after a month no more brain fog and I was way energised. Hold about a teaspoon of (zinc sulfate) in your mouth for about 10 seconds. noticed at night blurry vision and food cravings every day since I've taken The other nutrient covid depletes majorly like any infection is zinc. Symptoms include weak nails (used to have strong nails), dry skin (used to have combination skin), wounds take forever to heal, brain fog I love tofu, which is a good source of zinc. I have post-concussion syndrome of 3 years, and through my research found that magnesium levels and zinc levels in the brain are dropped by at least 50% after a concussion, I imagine there's some correlation after a stroke as well. Really bad brain fog, increased tinnitus, and really bad dissociation. D and B12 can contribute. I started taking 300 mg magnesium as magnesium malate daily + 25 mg zinc daily + vitamin B complex. Description of my brain fog: It's a very noticeable and obvious feeling/sensation within my consciousness and brain. Supplementing zinc longer than week will throw copper balance off. This seems to be just acadmeic support, but boy do I need it. vitamin deficiency . I like a combination of low-dose caffeine, theanine, and ALCAR for a nice smooth energy and focus boost. When you have been deficient in something (like B12) and start taking it, it will eagerly start using up all the things it would normally react with or help incorporate into cells or tissues, so it can expose other Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Which is significantly lower Zinc is important for your sense of taste. In addition to hormone changes, chronic stress, and lack of sleep, many people may wonder wh This article will take a closer look at some of the common causes of brain fog and whether or not certain nutrient deficiencies can contribute. I have a serum B12 test scheduled but I think this is a major cause of my brain fog. B12 and folate is a big deal for brain function and serum levels aren't even conclusive about your status, but since you have a piece of evidence on this, just megadose methylated forms of these vitamins for about a month and you'll find out. I have been able to eat fermented foods like sauerkraut and kombucha, and get away with eating things that would normally send me into brain fog hell. Even if you have shitty insurance, they can run a metabolic test as part of your annual physical, which most insurances cover completely. Yeah magnesium gives me brain fog and severe depression. Oxide and now glycine before bed. I felt normal. However, you have to eat a ridiculous amount of nuts, seeds and leafy greens to get atleast 1mg of Copper is an antagonist of zinc and can cause a host of problems, especially for men since we're supposed to be Zinc dominant because Zinc plays a huge role in the production of testosterone, the inhibition of prolactin which suppresses dopamine and prolactin, and also the production of dopamine. The majority of my issues have been cofactor related over the last 2 or 3. However, 20 is in the "normal" range but doesn't mean A deficiency of B6 B9 B12 and to a lesser extent also zinc can cause homocysteine to rise (gastric malabsorption can lead to vitamin deficiencies) Vegan/vegetarian diet, alcohol use and heavy smoking can also lead to an increase in homocysteine. 1. my doc recommended 2000IU (i was only taking half that in my daily vitamin, so i added an additional 1000IU pill) — it’s been about a week and i’m starting to . But has anyone else started exercising really hard and it seems like over the years your brain fog has progressed to actually feeling like it’s full of “crust” or A forum for people to discuss vitamin B12 deficiency of all causes, including Pernicious Anemia. Brain fog is toxic bile in the brain and also an acute potassium deficiency. cognition is so bad it feels like I have dementia. The exercise and dairy were the main things for me. Is it likely that this is what's causing my brain fog? The thing is, I've been vitamin D deficient before, and I don't remember it feeling like this in my brain. Drink some coconut water or eat a few bananas a day for a week and see if it clears. If you get a few colds a year, it could be this as it is needed for an immune defense. A LOT. The brain relaxing is the difference between walking for errands/ walking for health purposes. Brain fog is a feeling of cloudiness in your brain where you begin to feel disconnected from everyhthing and everybody once it sets in. I always seem to forget where I am and get lost daily. I also have abnormally High Vit B12 which Dr says is caused by my SIBO - Dr ruled out other causes. I just found out that H. If you’re interested in knowing more about dosing, frequency, and amount, I suggest searching the names of these supplements in r/supplements & r/nootropics. Just wondering about all the zinc forms (zinc glycinate, zinc picolate, etc). Signs of deficiency: Forgetfulness, difficulty concentrating, fatigue, and tingling sensations in the hands or feet. Took days to fully recover. #9: Frequent brain fog. I believe I was deficient in magnesium. It was worth a shot, it's just one less coffee if it doesn't work out. I have felt like shit for years, with brain fog, fatigue and no motivation to do anything. If this helps with your brain fog, take some of that newfound clarity and call a doctor. I did 1 day on, 2 days off of a . I've been doing research by reading books, watching videos, reading comments, posts, etc. Swish around then swallow. Anyone else share this? By the way I take vitamin B12 supplements now I had bad brain fog almost daily for 2 years and it got worse. Or check it out in the app stores This was the case for me. Magnesium and zinc deficiency masked as a massive mental health decline and terrible fatigue, probably similar to you. Slow growth in a child can point to a zinc deficiency. Zinc and D get drained fighting any infection along with a few others. Plasmalogen deficiency - brain fog, shit sleep, sensitive gut, poor eyesight, trouble concentrating, unable to View community ranking In the Top 1% of largest communities on Reddit. I got rid of it through antibiotics. Restlessness is worse. Once I resolved those, I almost never had brain fog, but noticed when I traveled north I would have brain fog, which would be resolved with allergy meds. And also, is brain fog and a severe inability to focus common symptoms? I obviously don't know how long I've been deficient for, but I'd say I've had brain fog/focusing issues for about 2 years or more now. But I can’t access memories or words. Vit d/b/zinc during day. Vegetarians and vegans are usually at a risk of being deficient in B12, creatine, carnosine, complete protein, taurine, sulfur, iron, omega-3's, zinc, and iodine. In my experience (IME), brain fog is related to the colon. On the other hand, zinc deficiency induces Igennus Neurobalance is a lifesaver. The neuro ones don't always have to involve pain, just brain fog. I also take zinc. I've been dealing with brain fog for half a year now. A lack of zinc can lead to foggy thinking and memory problems. I had always been taking a multivitamin with B12 anyway. Any suggestions on what kind of zinc they take Characterized by symptoms like confusion, forgetfulness, and difficulty concentrating, brain fog What’s more, brain fog can be caused by a wide range of conditions, making it challenging to diagnose and treat. Covid sure takes a hit on the body with nutrient levels. Pylori affects the vitamin B12 absorption process. Apparently Antipsychotics have a history of causing potassium deficiency in some patients. Don’t get me wrong, it’s improved a lot. Also my Anxiety has tripled and my brain is constantly overthinking and uses 99% of my Brain power. Sometimes I even forget their name. You could actually have a nut or legume intolerance causing your brain fog, in fact, if you aren't taking any supplement with zinc, I would say that is the MUCH more probable cause of your Could be a deficiency caused by too much zinc accumulation, copper is commonly deficient in those taking too much zinc, but probably best just to get a blood panel done to be Wikipedia page says that you can be zinc deficient even before your serum levels go under the normal range. IRON ACCUMULATION IN BRAIN/LIVER Besides my prescriptions, the only other outside resource that I use because of the brain fog is the Disabled Students Program at my school. The more recommendations, etc. and it turns out a lot of times brain-fog and chronic fatigue could be because of D3, B12 or similar deficiency. I was deficient in iron, magnesium, D, A, and zinc. I do not recommend supplementing anything until your levels are tested because toxicity is a real thing. I did blood work, and started taking the vitamins today, but what's concerning me is that the symptoms that I'm experiencing aren't seen by vitamin deficiency only, like ear ringing, throat tension, forehead tension, migraines, pain behind my eyeballs? Brain fog would come on in hours after eating junk food. Sorry for the length. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. I don’t really feel like I have many B12 deficiency symptoms still. Hello guys, I just wanted to ask if deficiency in vitamin B12 and folic acid cause brain fog. I'm a 34 year old male dealing with significant and chronic brain fog for 8+ years. Zinc defiency can also cause brain fog and ADHD It's fairly well known that excess zinc can cause neurotoxicity; it "looks" like copper that is needed in neuron function, and increased zinc can cause an effective copper deficiency. Fatigue and brain fog are also signs of copper deficiency. perhaps Pinella, magnesium & fish oil for brain fog while you’re figuring things out. The taste of the zinc only got very very slightly stronger (from near tasteless) and I'm not feeling any benefits yet, not even sure if I am absorbing any zinc. My big trick has been high dose daily zinc for 8 weeks. What thoughts do you guys have on There are lots of people with B12 deficiency symptoms, although their B12 serum value is in line. Or check it out in the app stores I've been struggling with brain fog and fatigue since November 2022. So just go at it assuming you are likely deficient. For the past several months I have been taking 100MG of zinc, with a multivitamin, magnessium and arganine and citrilline. Vitamin D levels are at 26. I felt great for those months, but overtime started getting numb/tingling feet/hands and decided to do some looking into it and realized my zinc intake was severely high and stopped, just over the past 3 weeks stopped everything, besides the one a day multi. My brain fog started very abruptly one morning while I was a few days into a course of antibiotics. Half of what it's supposed to be. An iron deficiency is one of the causes of teeth grinding. Check out EONutrion YouTube channel to get access to protocols. Could certainly be a mental illness and/or a physical issue (lyme or something else). " From healthline. I believe my Brain Fog / memory issues are due to Candida and / or Methane SIBO. I believe magnesium citrate would work just as well. Or check it out in the app stores Depression, brain fog, irritability and anxiety after administering Reply reply yeah my first panel showed a slight deficiency in both zinc and copper, i started zinc and watched my copper deficiency get worse so i began taking 2mg Inversely, if a child is deficient in zinc, they may not grow or develop properly. 328,331 Zinc supplementation has been found to I thought B6 was something that was readily available in food and not nearly as deficient in most people as B12 or folate for example. This is because zinc and copper compete for absorption in the stomach, with zinc being the usual winner. Or check it out in the app stores “Zinc supplementation is also a common cause of copper deficiency. Reply reply For example, there’s research showing that most people are deficient in magnesium and zinc. I’ve been injecting EOD for 6 months. Or check it out in the app stores and I realised that I had brain fog for extended periods. 9 Ng/ml. However, after brain disease, excessively released and accumulated zinc ions cause neurotoxic damage to postsynaptic neurons. Sum up: Procedure and Scoring: No gum, eating, smoking for ~hour before test. Done sleep studies and blood tests (only high creatinine and familial cholesterol). basically disfunctional until 1-2 pm. At $5/bottle, it's really cheap, relatively safe insurance. I am very happy about the huge amount of information I received. been struggling with severe morning groginess and brain fog for years. Another thing that has helped tremendously improve brain fog is the realization that I am most of the time potassium deficient. Good luck 👍 Reply reply More replies More replies. Brain Fog was the number one reason I worked so hard on getting my own diagnosis. I am not allergic to dairy and am allergic to various pollens, etc. No negative thought spirals. Did anyone have brain fog that seemed to appear or worsen after starting re-supplementation? I started off with primarily symptoms of neuropathy that seemed to be getting overall mildly better after ~3 weeks of supplementation (weekly B12 shot and oral supplementation daily on days I don't take the shot), but feel that lately I've been having more brain fog (like feeling like I'm in a This comes with low zinc - I have experienced brain fog with covid, a zinc supplement made a difference. those are just some!! and zinc deficiency has been correlated with increased depression severity and treatment resistance. Zinc plays a role in both physiological and pathological Zinc deficiency may increase the vulnerability to psychological stress by depressing levels of neurogenesis and plasticity, and maintaining electrophysiological balance in various brain However, after brain disease, excessively released and accumulated zinc ions cause neurotoxic damage to postsynaptic neurons. Surprised no one has mentioned the zinc taste test to see if you are deficient in zinc. Zinc deficiency isn't very well understood but it's extremely prevalent all over the body and needed for just about all of the major reactions. Or check it out in the app stores unprovoked rage and then calming down shortly after, brain fog, etc. I tried microdosing to help with dissociation, brain fog, and derealization. cwdfcj xqity fgtl kops hbru yacum ujp zmbrohoa fkbbbt caywg mkvzdz lyoxa woofddio yowjniy rirgwll