Page county news Heuer tells KMA News four beams comprising the bridge's center span were scheduled for placement Monday, followed by four (Clarinda) -- Page County officials have extended interim plans in order to interview candidates for the county attorney vacancy. LURAY WEATHER About Us A police pursuit resulted in a motor vehicle crash in Page County on Sunday, according to the Page County Sheriff’s Office. James Michael Alger, 65, of Stanley Support the Page County Animal Shelter by finding our furry friends a Forever Home! Pet Finder. Rondel Wayne Hilliards, 76, of Luray, Va. to 8 p. 14 hours ago. Located just 90 miles west of Washington, D. Per Iowa Code, the petition must be signed by a number equal or greater than at least 10% of the votes cast in the county for the office of governor at the preceding general election. ~ List provided by the Town of Stanley BANDS BEST COLOR GUARD 1st Place — Page County High School BEST DRUM SECTION 1st Place — Luray High School SCOUTS 1st Place — Page County Girls Scouts BEST More than 14,000 acres burning under national forest oversight, almost 1,000 acres in national park. March 3, 2025. ~ Submitted by the Page County Animal Shelter Page Valley News highlights adoptable pets from the Page County Animal Shelter to showcase their personality. Local news for Luray, Stanley, and Shenandoah. (DC News Now) — A Local State of Emergency remained in effect in Page County Thursday, a day after officials declared it, due to wildfires throughout Shenandoah National Park. By a 2-1 vote in August 2022, the board approved an application from Invenergy for Page County's portion of the Shenandoah Hills Wind Project--which also includes portions of eastern Fremont County. for an unknown fire north of the Luray town limits. After returning from Vietnam, he worked at Bluebell and later retired from Lowe’s in February 2025 MONDAY, FEBRUARY 3 • 7 p. D. "It's been quite the winter thus far," said King, "as in not very much precipitation. As Page County works through the budget process, what do you feel should be the top spending priority for FY26? Hiring more EMS staff and improving Emergency Services. This past month, the Welding 2 class organized an in-house competition to select students for the District 10 level contest. 16, 1945, in Page County and was a son of the late Avis G. ••• RELATED ARTICLES. — Page County Board of Supervisors, work session, Board Room, County Government Center, 103 South Court Street (2nd Floor), Luray. Page Valley News is a local news site that covers Page County, VA, including Luray, Stanley, & Shenandoah. for indecent contact with a child. This past weekend Page County Public Schools participated in the 25th Annual Shenandoah Valley Teacher Job Fair. The spotted cubs, believed to be 7 to 9 weeks old, were verified from photographic evidence of the cubs taken March 6 by a Sonksen says it has been an honor to serve the citizens of Page County and to work with the many law enforcement professionals in the area. PAGE COUNTY, Va. Winds SSE at 10 to 20 mph. News. 4. Traffic Alert for Page County Sept. News, articles, photos, information about DuPage County, Illinois from My Suburban Life and Shaw Local. The county was Nick Heuer is an engineer technician with Page County Secondary Roads. Extras will include obituaries, legal notices, local meeting agendas and CLARINDA, Iowa — A 19-year-old college student is dead following a single vehicle crash in Page County, just outside of Clarinda. In total, 8 stories have been published about Page County, Virginia which Ground News has Page Valley News (PageValleyNews. You can view the latest obituaries on our website. This is Page County Public Schools; News; PCTC Welding 2 Class Competes at SkillsUSA Competition - Hall Takes 1st Place! March 11, 2025. com) is an onli Alison T Galvanek and 2 others Age 76, Luray, Va. Winds ENE at 10 to 20 mph. 27 in the Deerfield Estates area. Page County Sheriff’s Office deputies, the 1,211 Followers, 85 Following, 400 Posts - Page Valley News (@pagevalleynews) on Instagram: "Page Valley News (pagevalleynews. High 62F. Click to read Shen-Valley Times, a Substack publication with hundreds of subscribers. com) is a local news site that covers Page County, Virginia. LURAY, June 7 ― Frankie Comer has been selected as the new Athletic Director of Page County High School. Traffic Alert for Page County Oct. King is among those bracing for snowfall that's in the forecast this week. High 79F. There are 17 participating farms and educational experiences throughout the two counties on March 15 and 16 from Nick Heuer is an engineer technician with Page County Secondary Roads. He holds a masters degree in Education from Shenandoah University, a Bachelor of Science degree from Elon University, an Associate’s On Friday, Oct 25, 2024, the Page County Varsity Boys Football team lost their game against Madison County High School by a score of 13-68. Appointed county attorney in 2015, Sonksen won re Frederick County News Stanley Fire Department respond to 2 major fires in less than 4 days – The River 95. From this selection, three high school students and one Age 81, Luray, Va. We provide daily news updates for Luray, Stanley, and Shenandoah. The Latest News and Updates in DuPage County brought to you by the team at WGN-TV: Chicago's Very Own source for breaking news, weather, sports and entertainment. C. m. Authorities say a pick-up truck was traveling eastbound on 210th Street when it came [] KnoxPages. From this selection, three high school students and one The VDOT Web page is at https://vdot. UPDATE: Law enforcement has identified and located the Dodge Caravan. All content will be free for the first two months (donations or paid subscriptions will be voluntary). Timothy Thomas Comer, 55, was charged with first-degree murder in the June 29 shooting of Gregory Lee Williams on Jollett Road. Meet Willow! March 10, 2025 0 ~ Submitted by the Page County Animal Shelter Page Valley News highlights adoptable pets from the Page County Animal Shelter to showcase their personality. Skip to content. JOLLETT HOLLOW, July 13 — While details remain few at this point, around 10:30 p. The caller reported that two people had been shot. 16 on amending definition of ‘subdivide’ in subdivision ordinance (Clarinda) -- Page County officials have given the go-ahead on the remaining contracts to construct a new county law enforcement center. Heuer tells KMA News four beams comprising the bridge's center span were scheduled for East Rock crushes Page County in season opener; Community song circle unites people through music; Your weekly roundup of sports news from the Sun Belt Conference, delivered Monday morning. Hilliards and Lillian J. Authorities say the arrest occurred at For great escapes and grand adventures, come to Luray and Page County - 365 days a year. Meet Willow! March 10, 2025 0 Stay current with all the latest and breaking news about Page County, Virginia, compare headlines and perspectives between news sources on stories happening today. Page County Engineer J. State biologists on Wednesday confirmed the existence of two cougar cubs on private land in Ontonagon County in the western Upper Peninsula. The Fire Emergency crews were dispatched shortly before 4 a. Friday, July 22. This is Willow! Willow is a four-year-old male, who has been (Clarinda) -- Cindy VanFosson hopes to continue providing transparency and cooperation in the Page County Auditor's Office. Page County Public Schools; News; SAVING FRED. passed away on Friday, Feb. " The Page County Sheriff's Office says 54-year-old Timothy Alan Groves of Etna, Maine was arrested shortly before 2:15 a. 14-18. in the special election to select a ~ From the desk of Page County Sheriff Chad Cubbage – released 7:06 p. Page Valley News (PageValleyNews. As of Thursday afternoon, By a 2-0 vote at a special meeting Monday afternoon, the county board of supervisors approved sending a letter to the county sheriff's office requesting an investigation PAGE COUNTY, Va. Valley Health announces new patient visiting guidelines Page County High School; News; PCTC Welding 2 Class Competes at SkillsUSA Competition - Hall Takes 1st Place! March 11, 2025. The County of San Diego recognizes the importance of communicating directly with you about programs and services that add value to your health, safety, neighborhood and environment. News and information for Page County, Virginia and surrounding. ― Page County Public Schools division staff continue to make program decisions for the upcoming school year. By Randy Arrington. F or the first time in more than 100 years, cougar cubs have been discovered living in the Michigan wild. The online story, attributed only to “Staff Reports,” stated that while the physical office is closing, the paper plans to continue news coverage and publication. , we’re close enough to make day trips and weekend getaways possible. Low around 55F. com (Clarinda) -- Page County voters go to the polls Tuesday to decide the hotly-contested county auditor's race. 7-11. Nearly one-third of all COVID-19 deaths in Page County reported since Labor Day. (Clarinda) -- Deliberations continue on the best way to allocate the remainder of the COVID-19 relief dollars in Page County. Shenandoah, IA (51601) Today. Windy with rain and snow showers in the morning turning to snow in the afternoon. He was born on September 5, 1937, in Page County and was a son . THIS ARTICLE IS COMMENTARY AND Shenandoah, IA (51601) Today. Officials with the Page County Auditor's Office tell KMA News that the in-person absentee voting period opened up Wednesday for the special election slated for Tuesday, February 4th. There is no place quite like Luray and Page County, Virginia. on Thursday the Page County Sheriff’s Office confirmed earlier reports on social media that the manhunt for Timothy Stay current with all the latest and breaking news about DuPage County, compare headlines and perspectives between news sources on stories happening today. Meeting in regular session Thursday morning, the county March 18, 1986 — The Page County Board of Supervisors appropriated $3,000 Monday afternoon to help build a new baseball field in Stanley and to renovate a flood-damaged field at Luray’s Veterans Memorial Park. SHENANDOAH — On July 21, 2022 Page County Emergency Communications Center received a call reporting a shooting in the area of 225 Buzzard View Place, Shenandoah, Va. 3 For more news from across the Shenandoah Valley, click here. Mary Sue Lilly Richards, 81, of Luray, died on Tuesday, March 11, 2025. PVN is an independent, locally owned community website. LURAY WEATHER. ~ PVN staff report, based on a press release issued July 1 by Page County Sheriff’s Office Meeting in regular session Tuesday, the Page County Board of Supervisors continued its budgetary discussions in preparation for fiscal year 2026, which begins July 1st. “I thank the people of Page County for putting their trust in me,” Smith said, “and I will continue to give the same commitment Shenandoah, IA (51601) Today. gov/. The new Page County news site is an experiment of sorts. Fully funding the By a 2-1 vote in August 2022, the board approved an application from Invenergy for Page County's portion of the Shenandoah Hills Wind Project--which also includes portions of eastern Fremont County. Stroupe Hilliards. 49%, over Cindy VanFosson, who received 461 votes, or 34. According to the Iowa State Patrol, the crash occurred at approximately 2:41 a. This "Update -- more good news! Page and Rockingham Counties: On the fires in Page and Rockingham, excellent progress was made yesterday, reaching containment on: • 211 West • Shenandoah Forest, and • Serenity Ridge. 6 million has been committed to capital projects during FY25 — As multiple fires in Page County continue to spread, including the popular Shenandoah National Park, residents are stepping up to help prevent flames from growing. Editor’s Note — The copy has been updated to clarify the location of the fires that destroyed the homes in Page County. A Downers Grove South High School soccer coach has been accused of having an inappropriate sexual relationship with a student, prosecutors said. On March 5, 2025, an online Daily News Record story indicated that the Page News and Courier would permanently close its doors later in the month. Polls are open Tuesday from 7 a. He was born on Oct. Support the Page County Animal Shelter by finding our furry friends a Forever Home! Pet Finder. Page County Sheriff Chad Cubbage declined to release the names of those believed to have been inside. News; LURAY MIDDLE SCHOOL PALS CLUB. That was the message from Page County Sheriff Charles McCalla, who joined KMA's "Morning Show" Friday morning to discuss the construction progress and the expected efficiencies with a new facility. The county was hit hard by multiple wildfires [] He was born on February 24, 1942, in Page County and was a son of the late Charles Marion Jobe and Mona Marie Painter Jobe. Hit that "Subscribe" button today. Age 65, Stanley, Va. The final uncontained fire is the Capon fire in Rockingham County, which has burned approximately 2,500 acres. Douglas attended Luray High School and was a veteran of the United States Army, having served two years as a medic in Vietnam. VanFosson was Reporting North Central PA & Southern Tier NY News As It Happens. During its regular meeting Thursday, the Page County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved the first reading of an ordinance regulating personal and utility-scale solar energy systems on Support the Page County Animal Shelter by finding our furry friends a Forever Home! Pet Finder. PUBLIC NOTICE for the November 5, 2024, Election in Page County, Virginia In-person, early voting Read More Public hearing Sept. (Clarinda) -- KMA News continues its "Flashback 2024" series, looking back at the top local and regional news stories of the past year. 51%. September 20, 2022. Frenchville approves slight budget increase at town meeting. Located near Luray Caverns & Shenandoah National Park. Page County reports rising cases, 3 more deaths, positivity rate up to 10. Today's report looks at what was an eventful year for Page . After that, ONLY NEWS will remain free, but extras will be subscription-only (most likely $5/month, each). If running for public office, then get on the ballotno write-ins, please. DuPage County. Covering local government, business, education, sports and more. 2 — During Monday night’s work session, Page County Administrator Amity Moler read out the names of four county residents who have submitted applications to fill the vacancy left on the Page County Board of Supervisors by the sudden resignation of District PAGE COUNTY, Va. However Shenandoah, IA (51601) Today. Comprehensive coverage of Page County, Virginia, including projects, events, Board of Supervisors, government, elections, safety, transportation, and crime. Sun and clouds mixed. Lots of sunshine. LURAY, March 25 — After completing an initial assessment of the damage from recent wildfires in Traffic Alert for Page County March 17-21 | County | Page Valley News. The [] Hiring more EMS staff and improving Emergency Services. com 40 West 4th St Mansfield, OH 44902 Phone: 419-610-2100 Email: contact@knoxpages. She was born on May 29, 1943, in the Elkton area and was the daughter of the late Page Valley News is publishing four planned “debates” among candidates in contested races in Page County on its new YouTube channel. on 210th Street, east of Willow Avenue. In total, 590 stories have been published about DuPage County which Ground News has aggregated in the past 3 months. A Page County inmate has died after collapsing at the jail on Friday night. There was no mention of the closure in the March 6 PNC. Please see the anno READ MORE > Return to Learn Plan School Year 2020-2021. Today's classifieds. Local News Publishers. VanFosson was appointed county auditor by a 2-1 vote at the county board March 18, 1986 — The Page County Board of Supervisors appropriated $3,000 Monday afternoon to help build a new baseball field in Stanley and to renovate a flood-damaged field at Luray’s Veterans Memorial Park. Previous. Obituary James Michael Alger March 11, 2025 PVNPublisher 0. The budget represents a roughly $46,000 increase over the 2024 budget of $373,605. 8%. Fully funding the school system's request and Page Valley News (PageValleyNews. . King tells KMA News after planning discussions the night before, his employees hit the roads early Wednesday morning. Page County had more than $20 million in unassigned general fund balance at the end of FY24, but more than $5. Solomon's Words for the Wise. Page Valley News publishes the life stories of loved ones with ties to the Page Valley free of charge. (CBS19 NEWS) -- The Page County Sheriff’s Office is now offering a $1,000 reward for information about Todd Aaron Shifflett, who is wanted in connection with an incident that occurred on Dec. Tonight Several communities in Page County, Virginia, were asked to evacuate on Wednesday, March 20, due to wildfires, local officials said. LURAY, Dec. Footage recorded by Peggy Foltz shows the fires seen from The ordinance passed unanimously — as did a 2021 proposal to levy a cigarette tax in the county. This is Willow! Page County Engineer J. Officials release details of Stanley fire that caused $50K in Sign Up for Daily News-Record's Headlines eNewsletter; Stuhlmiller, Sharpe guide Gobblers to victory; East Rock crushes Page County in season opener; Community song Page Valley News (PageValleyNews. County yoga instructor is marking 25 years in business. com) is an online local news site and an independent, locally owned community website serving Page County, Virginia. 30-Oct. Traffic Alert ~ VDOT closes part of South Page Valley Road due to ‘slope failure’ Cases up, positivity down and one death reported over past week in Page County. Winds S at 10 to 15 mph. She was the co-host of "Viewpoints," a weekly TV news show, and co-host of Virginia Tonight, a nightly TV news show Page Valley News is an independent, locally owned community news site covering Page County, VA. "So, we sent out the plow trucks at 5 Wednesday Unofficial results from the Page County Auditor's Office for Tuesday's special election show Wagoner securing 875 votes, or 65. 18, 2022. When she first started her Houlton business, yoga was still new to northern Maine. Supervisor applications submitted to fill board vacancy left by Smelser. Downers Grove South soccer coach accused of sexually abusing student: prosecutors. NWS: 'don't underestimate' approaching winter storm Mike Peterson 37-year educator, coach, official begins new role July 1 ~ Press release provided by Page County Public Schools. 2020 LURAY, Va. To that end, we utilize a variety of communication tools including social media, the Internet and traditional media to keep you informed about how your tax dollars are spent. Partly cloudy skies. This joint venture, sponsored by Page County, Shenandoah County, Ha READ MORE > Page Valley News publishes the life stories of loved ones with ties to the Page Valley free of charge. Meeting in regular session Thursday morning, the Page County Board of Supervisors heard an update from Samuels Group's Jeff Curtis on the re-bid and construction progress on the new Page County Page County Auditor Cindy VanFosson confirmed to KMA News that her office staff received a petition Tuesday morning to set a special election for the county auditor position. 21-25. Classifieds March 11, 1961 — Page County trout fishermen will have slim pickings on April 1 when the season opens at noon, unless the Game and Fish Commission does some quick work in the next few Page Valley Newswhere people come for information Sacramento County and its partners have officially broken ground on a large-scale campus that can serve the unhoused population with diverse offerings to Empowerment For a Better Future With tears spilling over her (Clarinda) -- While not unanimous, Page County officials have requested an investigation into an incident that occurred in the county auditor's office after hours early last week, alleging a "breach Comprehensive coverage of Page County, Virginia, including projects, events, Board of Supervisors, government, elections, safety, transportation, and crime. This is Willow! Willow is a four-year-old male, who has Your local, independent news source for Knox County, Ohio. (DC News Now) — Page County Fire and EMS announced Sunday that voluntary evacuations would be ending for all areas in the county. Memorial contributions may be made to the Page County Senior Center, Luray, VA 22835. virginia. yutpqxpqdzynwhtshlsqlhpfxqshzylfocxktjdrtatkrbodtvkudifyfopyxeoghzdgkbfiyeauwa